This is it. It’s what you’ve all been waiting for. It is time to recap, episode-by-episode, a television show that started 9 years ago and has been off the air for a year and a half. A show that, for the last several seasons, had a small (but active) fanbase.
I’m talkin about Agents of Shield, baby! Sorry. Marvel’s Agents of Shield. Sorry. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..
A touch of background on me and my experience with AOS (I’m already abbreviating) before we get started:
Once upon a time, I was browsing Netflix (R.I.P Marvel shows on Netflix) for something energetic with a lot of episodes that I could reliably keep on in the background. Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD (no periods this time; the title is fluid.) seemed to fit the bill.
I would watch a season at a time not paying much attention, but I always came back for the next one. Halfway through season 4, I finally realized that I had gotten invested somewhere along the way and I started the whole thing over. Now I’ve watched again through season 6 and I’m a bona fide fan. However, I realize that I still cant remember many important plot points of each season….. My viewing comprehension is abysmal anyway and what was I supposed to do, not multitask while watching the show? I want another rewatch before I finally take on that final season, but I want to do it right.
I started this endeavor recently and immediately started looking for podcasts and blogs of SHIELD rewatches to help me along(I’m calling it just ‘SHIELD’ now. Keep up). I found many real-time aftershow recaps from the show’s original run on abc, but this is not what I was looking for. You never know what you are going to get with a first-time recap. People can recap something for any reason, and they go into each episode not knowing how they are going to feel about it. The recap could reflect any manner of negative emotions or no emotion at all. When a reader dives into a rewatch, however, they know the author is willingly going back to consume this media. That is the comfort I’m looking for.
Additionally, most of the recaps I found were written by bigtime Marvel fans or comic fans or journalists in-the-know. I legitimately dig the nerdy know-how but I was hoping to get the perspective of a noob who I could relate to.
Anyway, I couldn’t find what I was looking for so I’m doing it myself. The goal here is recap-style ramblings for every single episode while keeping spoilers to a minimum. It seems niche, but who knows! With AoS (ooh I don’t even know which variation on the show title I’m going to use next) coming to Disney+ maybe there will be one or two other fans like me who come a-googling.
I’m not any sort of Marvel connoisseur or critical analyst. I don’t have any credentials. I don’t know how to do webpage (I mean you can see what it looks like…) I’m just a person with a laptop who wants to blog about this show. Bless the internet.
Alright let’s hit it